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  • Boosting Confidence and Care: Joanne's Inspiring Journey in Aesthetic Transformation

    Have you heard the phrase "if you look good, you do good" ? It is an idea that looking your best can have a positive impact on your performance and overall well-being. It's based on the concept that one's appearance and self-perception can significantly influence their confidence and the way they interact with the world. Let me introduce you to Joanne, an amazing hospice nurse who really deserves some recognition for the great work she does.  We got to meet her for the first time in an aesthetic training and I was so thrilled that she wanted to be a model in the class. if anyone deserves a treatment she does!  She received her first ever tox treatment performed by one of the attendees in our class and I just love her response at her two week follow up. What's really special is hearing her talk about how the tox treatment has given her a motivational boost. She’s loving the reflection she sees in the mirror now. Check out the video to catch all those positive vibes she gives.  You cant help but smile. If you want to be a model in our hands on training you can register here: We look forward to working with you.

  • Revitalizing Learning: The Lab Refresh Journey

    It is our passion to provide exceptional training experiences, we are thrilled to announce the completion of a new look at The Confidence Lab. The renovation still carries through the essence of a welcoming atmosphere mixed with Ranas unique style. But we are still dedicated to a personalized, and collaborative learning environment for all our guests. Here's is where we started and where we landed three years later. A New Era of Customized Learning At The Confidence Lab, our mission is to foster a nurturing community that emphasizes the importance of safe aesthetic practices. Our training goes beyond just teaching techniques; it's about collaboration and being in a space that feels safe. Recognizing the diverse needs of our attendees we've always sought ways to tailor our training sessions more closely to individual requirements. With the addition of an open space feel and dedicated training rooms, we've taken a giant step in this direction. We are so proud of our new learning sanctuary. Why This Matters The learning environment is a reflection of our philosophy that 'everyone belongs'. Our approach to training and community building embraces this concept wholeheartedly. We have created learning spaces that cater to varied learning styles and preferences, we're able to offer more effective, enjoyable, and impactful training sessions. Looking Ahead We have some more exciting news. We will be introducing the completion of our cinema in the coming weeks —a creative space where both new and returning attendees can gather for journal groups, coffee chats, and all things aesthetic and social activities. Rana has decorated the space with an eclectic mix of items discovered on her worldwide travels, ensuring there's always something intriguing to capture the aesthetic eye, from nipple plates to bold neon signs. We welcome and invite you to stay tuned to our newsletter for announcements on upcoming free events. Learn and grow with us by booking a training at The Confidence Lab! See you soon.

  • Crafting a Resume: Essential Tips for Success

    At the Confidence Bar, we've have bravely waded through a sea of resumes, battling waves of bullet points and tides of "proficient in Microsoft Office." After countless rescues from the depths of resume monotony, we're here to share some resume-saving tips, gleaned from our extensive journey of resume evaluations. When adding your work history, highlight only the accomplishments and skills that are most relevant to the job. Your bullet points should be impactful statements that describe your responsibilities and achievements in your workplace. Do not just list off your 9-5 job duties. Tailor your resume for every job application (yes you heard me!). Different employers require different resumes, because every company has its own needs, objectives and values. Read the job description and ensure your resume tailors to the needs of the company. Often I hear, "I don't have work experience"...think of your transferable skills. Aesthetic medicine is still medicine. Do not diminish the value of your background just because your past work experience isn't "injector"; instead, demonstrate how your skills are transferable. Numerical values matter- this gives managers an idea of your level of work and responsibility. Instead of saying, "Worked busy triage", or "assisted in surgeries", consider the impact of " Over saw 60+ beds", "Participated in 200+ surgeries". When delivering your resume, face-to-face interactions carry greater significance and influence. Investing the effort to personally visit a company and engage with the manager may work in your favor in the end.

  • Where Are They Now? Abby Zimmerman

    Welcome to "Where Are They Now?", a series that follows the journey of individuals who have attended one of our courses and how they have applied the skills and knowledge gained with us in their professional and personal lives. We believe that learning is a lifelong journey, and we take pride in knowing that our program has had a positive impact on the lives of our attendees. Abby Zimmerman DNP, FNP-BC Introducing Abby Zimmerman the newest addition to our "Where Are They Now?" series brings us great excitement. Abby has taken part in our Combined Full Days Hands-On Training Course and joined us for the Injector Bunny VIP Seminar at The Confidence Lab. What were you doing before you got into aesthetics? Prior to aesthetics I had experience in Emergency medicine and Interventional Radiology as an RN. I graduated with my DNP in 2018 and worked in a perioperative clinic as a Nurse practitioner for 5 years. I left in October 2023 to pursue aesthetic medicine fulltime! What inspired you to pursue a career in aesthetics? I had always been fascinated by plastic surgery since I can remember. I had always dreamed of somehow finding a place in the world of plastics as NP. I loved that these procedures were helping people feel for confident in the way they looked or correcting issues that made people feel self conscious. When I was in graduate school I was introduced to the world of aesthetic medicine and was so intrigued by how many non surgical options that were available. I had searched for positions near me after I graduated. Unfortunately there wasn’t really much available in my area so in 2020 I signed up for my first aesthetics course! What are you doing now? After taking my course at the Confidence Lab I started renting a room on my own and practicing independently! It was a great learning experience but I still felt myself longing for something more. In October I made the leap to joining another injector in a larger practice, Elevate & co. Located in Milwaukee Wi! I met Elizabeth at another Confidence bar event last summer and we had kept in touch ever since. So far I have loved working as a team and being able to learn and bounce ideas off each other! Why did you choose The Confidence Lab's training program? I chose the Confidence Labs training program because of its reputation of being the BEST and most welcoming environment. I had followed Rana on social media and Patreon prior to enrolling and I loved how open and raw she was. I had taken one other training course prior but felt like it didn’t really set me up for success. I had reached out to some local injectors in my area looking for any shadowing or learning opportunities they may be willing to share and felt they weren’t very open to new injectors. I’m currently located in Wisconsin so I felt very lucky to find Rana was also fairly close to me! What is your favorite aspect of working in the field of aesthetics? I love that my patients are genuinely happy to see me and come to their appointments! I love seeing their faces light up after a treatment and when I’m able to help them feel more confident or comfortable with something making them feel insecure. I truly love the connections that are made in my treatment room! What advice would you give to those considering a career in this field? I would say my advice is not to give up and never stop learning! It’s not the easiest field to break into but it is so rewarding. Make connections with other injectors and never miss the opportunity to learn something new because the industry can change quickly!

  • Where Are They Now? Angela Anderson

    Welcome to "Where Are They Now?", a series that follows the journey of individuals who have attended one of our courses and how they have applied the skills and knowledge gained with us in their professional and personal lives. We believe that learning is a lifelong journey, and we take pride in knowing that our program has had a positive impact on the lives of our attendees. Angela Anderson, BSN, RN Introducing Angela Anderson the newest addition to our "Where Are They Now?" series. Angela recently took part in a Customized Full Day Advanced Training with Cristina Herman. Here is an Instagram reel from the training. What were you doing before you got into aesthetics? I was working full time as a nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. When I started becoming interested in aesthetics, I figured it would be helpful to learn more about that world by working in it. So, I made the transition to working in the operating room with plastic surgeons at Northwestern. What inspired you to pursue a career in aesthetics? Being a patient myself! Growing up I was a huge tomboy. The world of beauty didn’t interest me at all, my main concern was being the first pick for the kickball team. In my early 20’s I started having hormonal issues that led me to the hands of an esthetician. After experiencing a huge confidence boost from seeing my issues resolve, I decided I wanted to do the same for others – while still using my degree. That led me to aesthetic nursing! Why did you choose The Confidence Lab's training program? I had a colleague of mine highly recommended Rana. I did my intro course during the heat of the pandemic in November of 2020. With all the uncertainty going on in the world during such a serious time, Rana and her team welcomed everyone with open arms and warm smiles. It was a such breath of fresh air (no pun intended) being able to laugh while learning about what the aesthetic world has to offer. The Confidence Lab is so inviting, supportive, and free of judgement & I think that is what continues to draw me back. What is your favorite aspect of working in the field of aesthetics? I love that there is always something to learn. I’ve noticed that in my nursing career I hate being stagnant. The world of aesthetics is always evolving with SO many different realms of learning. I love that I will be a forever student – I’m a firm believer that there is always room for improvement. What are you doing now? I am currently full time in school pursuing my MSN – FNP. I also work as needed at a surgery center and am working a side hustle in aesthetic medicine! I am my own independent provider at Advancing Aesthetics Suites. I work under a clinical director, but I am my own boss. After taking an introductory course it was hard to find a job without experience. This gives me the opportunity to use the skills I learned, gain experience, and still learn from the mentorship of my clinical director. I am always looking to provide the best care and outcomes to my patients, so I continue to invest in myself with education. It has really paid off. What advice would you give to those considering a career in this field? If this is something you are truly passionate about, don’t doubt that you will get to where you want to be. I took my introductory aesthetics class back in 2020 and didn’t get to actively start practicing till Oct of 2023. Don’t let interviews that fall through discourage you. Stay consistent, find ways to continue to learn on a budget (social media, Patreon), network, VOLUNTEER TO BE A MODEL AT TRAININGS – not only do you get to experience these treatments firsthand, but you also get to sit in and listen to the plethora of knowledge these providers have. When there is a will there is way!

  • The Hiring Process

    Your team embodies the identity and face of your practice, and deciding to bring in a new team member involves a series of important choices. Adding someone new to your practice always comes with its share of challenges. It's crucial to keep your current team happy and ensure that everyone is aligned with the practice's mission and values and the preparedness of orientating and supporting a new staff member. The current hiring climate hasn't been favorable mostly with low unemployment rates and its been tough because many people prefer working remotely or find it difficult to dress up and come to the office for an early morning start at 9 am after pandemic sloppiness. I'm truly grateful for our management and administration team because I know there's a lot of subpar candidates out there. Trust me, I've interviewed some of them and have been shocked by their lack of manners, professionalism, and initiative. The front desk role, which is the first point of contact for our practice, has proven to be a particularly challenging position to fill. We have never been short just dont have that star part time member on my wish list. We're always on the lookout for the next exceptional addition welcoming face to our team. Shifting gears to the process of adding an injector to the team, this comes with even greater precaution. The existing team might view the new member as a potential rival or as a new colleague. Despite your best efforts to plan things out, outcomes remain uncertain – and that's just the nature of human behavior, especially among women (haha). A recent example of this is the nine-month-long interview process I have conducted for an injector. Yes, you read that correctly – nine months. This meticulous approach reflects my deep commitment. Adding an injector to our team is a substantial decision that can't be made lightly based on a resume and polished appearance alone. This thorough interview process begins with observing the candidate, discreetly checking references, having one-on-one coffee meetings with me, involving my manager, and eventually having a selected staff member assess compatibility and cultural fit in our practice on my behalf. The choice of this staff member is crucial – they need to be dedicated to the team as a whole, rather than just focusing on themselves. Then comes the working interview, which often generates some anxiety for the injector being interviewed. While I try to keep things light, my primary focus goes beyond evaluating their injection technique. I pay close attention to how they interact with patients. While injection skills can be learned and improved, refining qualities like manners, composure, appearance, and communication is a more complex endeavor. After these months and you have identified the best candidate, extending a formal offer comes with a clear understanding of the employee handbook before signing the dotted line. I find in other practices this is often given after they have signed. For me this is BEFORE they sign!  Once accepted then its the preparedness for onboarding so they are integrated smoothly into the success of the practice with regular one-on-one meetings for check ins. Now if they don't accept, that long process of interviewing is still a positive and beneficual one. You have made a connection, and you never know what will circle back around in the future or who they will refer your way. And in the background of all of this I have already started the long interview process of the next best fit. Preparedness is business. I hope you enjoyed this little blog post on the hiring process, with Love, Rana

  • Where Are They Now? Angeline DeiSanti

    Welcome to "Where Are They Now?", a series that follows the journey of individuals who have attended one of our courses and how they have applied the skills and knowledge gained with us in their professional and personal lives. We believe that learning is a lifelong journey, and we take pride in knowing that our program has had a positive impact on the lives of our attendees. Angeline DeiSanti, MD, MBA Introducing Angeline DeiSanti the newest addition to our "Where Are They Now?" series. Angeline recently took part in a Customized Full Day Advanced Training with Cristina Herman. Here is an Instagram reel from the training. What were you doing before you got into aesthetics? Before I went into aesthetics, I was a full time hospital-based physician. I was double board certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics for a number of year and I practices inpatient medicine for over 15 years. Later, I completed my Master's in Business Administration and left full time hospital medicine for a more administrative role. What inspired you to pursue a career in aesthetics? Beauty, skincare, and fashion have always been hobbies of mine. I was the kid who had makeup parties with my friends at the age of 12. After getting my MBA and realizing I was a burned out physician, I decided to merge my healthcare background with my passion for aesthetics. My ultimate goal is to create a more comprehensive aesthetics and wellness clinic where people can come to not only look better, but feel better. Why did you choose The Confidence Lab's training program? I was most attracted to the Confidence Bar because of Rana's aesthetics philosophy. Her more holistic approach to aesthetics resonated with me. I appreciate the time she takes to get to know the patient's goals and explain the risks and limitations of treatments. In addition, I really want to support a community spirit in the aesthetics industry as a whole I notice a lot of competition, finger-pointing, and "clique-y-ness" (for lack of a better term). I love that Rana has tried throughout her career to rise above this. Because of these things, I was excited to visit the practice and learn how I can incorporate, not only the safety-grounded injection techniques, but this inclusive and inviting atmosphere into my own practice. What is your favorite aspect of working in the field of aesthetics? I enjoy meeting new people and helping them feel a better about the way they look and feel. AND I love learning new things! There is so much to learn in this field! What are you doing now? Currently I am working for a managed care organization and running my aesthetics business part time. My services are simple and include botulinum toxin injections, fillers, and chemical peels. Shortly after my training at the Confidence Lab, I began renting out a beautiful new studio space that I love. What advice would you give to those considering a career in this field? I would say do your homework first. It's easy to start a business in aesthetics, but not necessarily easy to make it profitable. Resist chasing the shiny objects that you see (ie. the latest lasers, devices, trends). Find a few things that you can learn to do well before you expand.

  • NEW Entry Level Hands-On Neuromodulator Course

    By popular request, we're excited to introduce a new beginner-level, hands-on course in neuromodulators only. The hands-on course is approved for 6 CME credits! Comprehensive entry-level training in neuromodulators emphasizing full facial rejuvenation. The Confidence Lab emphasizes training healthcare providers to achieve natural, safe, and visually appealing results across the entire face, going beyond the typical focus on just the upper face. Areas of focus Forehead Lines: Reduces horizontal lines across the forehead. Frown Lines: Targets the vertical lines between the eyebrows, often referred to as "11 lines". Crow’s Feet: Smooths out wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes. Eyebrow Lift: Can provide a subtle lift to the eyebrows. Bunny Lines: Treats the wrinkles on the sides of the nose. Gummy Smile: Adjusts the muscle balance to reduce the prominence of gums when smiling. Perioral Lines or Lip Flip: Addresses the fine lines around the mouth and giving slight volume. Chin Dimpling: Reduces the appearance of dimpling in the chin. Marionette Lines: Minimizes the pull down muscle the DAO whcih contributes to the downward pull of the corners of the mouth. Masseter Reduction: For jawline contour and narrowing. Platysma: To improve the appearance of neck bands and give a lower face lift. Receive a personal treatment Upon completing the course, participants have the chance to receive a personal treatment at a 50% discount. This experience allows you to gain firsthand insight into the treatment's effects, enabling you to share your own experiences with friends and patients Prerequisite Participants are required to complete the "Novice Neuromodulator Online Course" before attending the hands-on workshop. This 6-hour online course is structured into various educational segments, covering the basics of full-face neuromodulation. It features in-depth lectures and practical demonstrations to effectively prepare learners for the hands-on session. This online course also acts as an ongoing educational tool for future reference and skill enhancement post-training. CME Credits In addition to the 6 CME you will receive for completing hands-on course you will also receive an additional 6 CME credits or 6 CE Hours for completing the online Novice Neuromodulator Online Course This activity is in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of MECOP and The Confidence Lab. MECOP is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

  • Our Training Models Do Their Research

    Take a look at this video showcasing the transformation of a patient at The Confidence Bar into a model at The Confidence Lab. Models have a vital role in our training sessions, providing attendees with the valuable opportunity to gain hands-on injection experience while enjoying incredible treatments at a 50% discount. These models also offer priceless feedback on the treatments to attendees. Furthermore, becoming a model offers you a unique chance to acquire a deeper understanding of the treatments we offer, as you have a front-row seat to witness Rana and her educators educating the attendees If you aspire to become a model for a Confidence Lab training, click here to start the process of enrolling in our Be a Model program.

  • Rana featuring on the Inside Aesthetics Podcast

    Rana gives us unique a perspective into the US injectable market, consultations, training and more in this episode of the Inside Aesthetics podcast. Inside Aesthetics (IA) podcast explores cosmetic and injectable-related topics including toxins & fillers, devices, lasers, injecting theory as well as aesthetic business topics. Hosted by Dr Jake Sloane (a leading aesthetic doctor & international injectables trainer) & David Segal (an aesthetic business entrepreneur & mentor), Inside Aesthetics hosts globally-renowned experts to discuss their specialty in the aesthetics & injectables industry.

  • Watch Model Reactions After Receiving an Treatment at an Aesthetic Training

    Observe the emotional responses of our model's after receiving a treatment during one of our hands-on aesthetics training events. If you aspire to become a model, click here to start the process of enrolling in our Be a Model program. Models will be injected by the trainees, under the guidance of our trainers. As a thank-you for being a model, you will receive the treatment at 50% off

  • Rana Kennelly On How She Handles Patient Consultations

    Rana details her journey in crafting her patient consultation aesthetic procedure. She emphasizes the significance of dedicating ample time to actively listen to the patient, establishing a foundation of trust. She underscores the value of uncovering the emotional motivations driving a patient's pursuit of treatment. Additionally, she highlights the importance of capturing high-quality before and after photos, employing compassionate kind language when exploring treatment alternatives, and thoroughly outlining the potential side effects and risks associated with the proposed treatment.

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