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Where Are They Now? Rebecca Kaechele

Welcome to "Where Are They Now?", a series that follows the journey of individuals who have attended one of our courses and how they have applied the skills and knowledge gained with us in their professional and personal lives. We believe that learning is a lifelong journey, and we take pride in knowing that our program has had a positive impact on the lives of our attendees.

Rebecca Kaechele, MSN, FNP-BC

Introducing Rebecca Kaechele who took part in a Customized Full Day Advanced Training with Cristina on Dec 11 2023, and has also been a subscriber to Rana patreon since Oct 2023.

What were you doing before you got into aesthetics?

Prior to getting into aesthetics, I was a Nurse Practitioner in Functional Medicine. As a nurse, I spent many years in ICU, ER, and oncology and was searching for a better way to help people. This led me to the world of functional medicine where root cause approach was used rather than prescribing the pill for the ailment. I finally started to enjoy medicine again, and loved the constant learning that came with this field.

What inspired you to pursue a career in aesthetics?

As I grew in my functional medicine role, I loved helping people feel good, but felt something was missing for me and my patients. I had long enjoyed the hands-on aspect of medicine during my nursing years and was missing using my skills and techniques with patients. I also felt that functional medicine and aesthetics paired well together, as you could make someone look as good as they feel on the inside. A lot of patients journey in the functional space takes quite some-time and they get hyper focused on the “negatives” of their body, both internal and external. This occurred to me during my years of child-bearing and post-partum, as I had multiple extra health issues during this time. I lost a sense of me for quite some time, and it took me a while to feel “good” again. Shortly after this, I received my first two aesthetic treatments.  I knew then I wanted to devote my career to enhancing a women’s appearance, not for just the external view, but for the internal effects it has mentally and emotionally.

Why did you choose The Confidence Lab's training program?

As I began venturing into aesthetics, I did a lot of research on where I wanted to train and who I wanted to learn from. Rana and The Confidence Lab kept popping up. I had also been given their name as a recommendation from a fellow local injector. The philosophy of safe, natural aesthetic treatments spoke to me and the goals I had for my learning and my future patients. The welcoming vibe on the website and social media was exactly what I received the day of, and I couldn’t have been happier with my training experience!  I liked it so much I went twice in 3 months!

What is your favorite aspect of working in the field of aesthetics?

My favorite aspect of working in aesthetics is the relationships you make with the patients. The patients are not only trusting you with enhancing their features, but many times are being super vulnerable discussing things they may be insecure about. Having someone feel comfortable enough to voice those concerns with you, and feel you’ve provided a safe space to do so is such an honor. As time progresses, I have many patients who feel like friends, or old friends who have come to see me, making the workday

feel like a day with girlfriends. I absolutely love what I do and don’t feel like I am ever at work!

What are you doing now?

I opened my own Practice in December of 2023. It’s funny how things work, because this wasn’t my full initial plan, but things sort of fell into place and here I am. I currently own Cahaba Aesthetics based in northern Illinois. I am continuing to grow in my aesthetic knowledge, learning to be a business owner, and finishing my doctoral degree.

What advice would you give to those considering a career in this field?

My best advice to anyone wanting to get into aesthetics is to invest in yourself and your education. While it is daunting in the beginning, investing in the RIGHT education will pay off. You want to have a solid foundation and know that your teachers are invested in the safety of you and the patient. These injectors will become resources to you and they are a great team to have behind you! Combining hands-on courses with continued knowledge from patreon has helped quite a bit to continue to learn in-between hands-on sessions.

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