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Combined Full Day Hands-On Training -Course

Sat, Nov 13


The Confidence Bar

For healthcare professionals that have completed Rana Kennelly's Online Novice Neuromodulator AND Novice Facial Filler training courses

Combined Full Day Hands-On Training -Course
Combined Full Day Hands-On Training -Course

Time & Location

Nov 13, 2021, 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM CST

The Confidence Bar, 1142 W Madison St, Suite 306, Chicago, IL 60607, USA

About The Event

Who is this for?

This for nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dentists and physicians that have successfully completed the ‘Part A’ Novice Neuromodulator Online Training AND ‘Part A’ Novice Facial Filler Online Training. This full-day ‘Part B’ is bringing your theory to the hands-on sessions.

Is this course certified?

Yes by the Ohio Nurses Association for a total of 8 CE hours.

  • Novice Neuromodulator Training Course Part B Hands-On Injection Techniques‍ ,  2020-0000000423 has ONA approval for 4 contact hour(s).
  • Novice Facial Filler Training Course Part B Hands-On Injection Techniques, 2020-0000000425 has ONA approval for 4 contact hour(s).

The Ohio Nurses Association is an accredited approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91)

What you will learn

Hands-on novice neuromodulator training focuses on full-face rejuvenation with neuromodulators. AFY believes in giving you the right tools to deliver natural, safe and beautiful results catering to the entire face not just the upper face industry norm.

Hands-on facial filler focus is on safe and predictable facial rejuvenation using hyaluronic acid (reversible) facial fillers. Treatment areas will include; midface restoration, beginner lip, nasolabial folds treatment, chin, marionette folds, and oral commissures using needle and cannula. 

Safe learning environment 

Our interactive morning didactic session will be held at The Confidence Bar where we will break into two small groups of less than 4 attendees with myself and an expert guest instructor. We encourage developing professional and supportive relationships with each other in our training to support each other during your aesthetic career. Our goal is to build a community that empowers each other where we continue to grow, share authentically, and practice safely.

Morning Program Agenda

Novice Neuromodulator Training Course: Part B Hands-On Injection Techniques

8:00am – 8:15am

Introductions and Course Overview

8:15am – 9:15am

Review of Part A Didactic Novice Neuromodulator Training Course

9:15am – 11:45am

Hands-On Practice of Neuromodulator Injection Techniques

11:45am – 12:00pm

Complications: recognition & management

Conclusion, Q&A, Wrap-up, Evaluations, and Certificate Distribution

Lunch is provided between the morning and afternoon sessions.  We encourage developing professional and supportive relationships with each other in our training to support each other during your aesthetic career. Our goal is to build a community that empowers each other where we continue to grow, share authentically, and practice safely.

Afternoon Program Agenda

Novice Facial Filler Training Course: Part B Hands-On Injection Techniques

1:30pm – 1:45pm

Introductions and Course Overview

1:45pm – 2:45pm

Review of Part A Didactic Novice Facial Filler Training Course

2:45pm – 5:15pm

Hands-On Practice of Facial Filler Injection Techniques

5:15pm – 5:30pm

Complications: recognition & management

Conclusion, Q&A, Wrap-up, Evaluations, and Certificate Distribution

Each Participant Receives

  • Certification of completion
  • Neuromodulator face treatment sheet
  • Anatomy Board
  • Consent forms
  • Facial markers
  • Laminated clinical anatomy sheet
  • Laminated reference guides


All you need to know about accommodation, restaurants & insider tips are provided right here Click to Download a guide to the West Loop, Chicago. 

What steps have you taken for COVID-19?

We are taking every measure to ensure safety for our small group sessions. You are required to answer appropriate screening questions prior to the training and fill out a disclaimer. Attendees and team members will be required to have a daily temperature check prior to entering. Masks will be required. The Confidence Bar is completely sanitized with hospital-grade approved agents, high touchpoints like door handles and elevator surfaces as well as public areas are sanitized multiple times per day. UV filters in the air conditioning units, UV filters in the treatment rooms, nontoxic hypochlorous acid misting, plexiglass, and staff training to name a few.

How do I register for Part B hands-on training?

This full-day class is designed to complement both online pieces of training, novice neuromodulator, and facial filler. Please note this class is offered to health care professionals that have taken the online classes. Courses are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Courses are limited to less than 4 participants and fill up well in advance.

I have only taken the novice neuromodulator online course?

This course is a full day course for those that have taken both online courses; novice neuromodulator and novice facial filler. Should you wish to take Part B of the novice neuromodulator course only please look at the course schedule.

I have only taken the novice facial filler online course?

This course is a full day course for those that have taken both online courses; novice neuromodulator and novice facial filler. Should you wish to take Part B of the novice facial filler course please look at the course schedule for dates.

What is the cost?

Full day includes novice neuromodulator in the morning and novice facial filler in the afternoon $1800. 

I would like to take 1:1 hands-on training?

We offer customized 1:1 half-day training ($2000) and confidence hours ($300). Please contact us for more details. 

Will I earn education Educational credits?

You earn 4 CE hours for novice neuromodulator and 4 CE hours for novice facial filler. This course is a full day course and combined is 8 CE hours. Please note this is not a CME course.

Expert instructors

During the hands-on injecting portion we will break into two small groups of 4 attendees or less where you will get 1:1 hands-on injecting experience with expert instructors.

What do I need to bring?

Bring a copy of your professional license.

Will I need a model for the course?

All products and models are provided at no additional cost to you. Although if you have a particular model that you would like to inject during the hands-on training you are welcome to invite them once they pass our health history and COVID-19 screening. Please contact our office to schedule your model and discuss it further. 

Can I be a model for the course?

We encourage you to sign up to be a model during your hands-on session, so you have a firsthand experience of the treatment. As part of the course, you can receive a complimentary neuromodulator treatment. Should you wish to be a model for facial filler you will receive 50% off retail for the facial filler. All models will be injected by the class attendees under the guidance of expert instruction. Models are required to contact our office at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the course. Our Coordinator will have you register for our online patient portal and go over the pre and post-treatment care information.

Can I bring ancillary staff to the course?

Due to limited availability and COVID-19, this program is extended only to aesthetic injectors.

What is your cancellation policy?

All sales are final. Although If you are unable to attend, guests can transfer tickets to future course dates or send an aesthetic peer in your place at no additional charge. If an aesthetic peer is coming in your place please give us advanced notice. Should this event need to be postponed due to COVID-19, your registration will apply toward a future event.

What is the dress code?

Please come in business casual (scrubs not required but optional). We recommend comfortable shoes such as sneakers as we are standing most of the day. Masks are required.

Who is the Sponsor of this training program?

This program is not sponsored and free from bias.

Is parking available?

If you intend to drive to our course, please allow yourself adequate time to facilitate parking. Street parking is available but limited. Additional parking is available at the Impark Parking Garage, located two blocks west at 1301 W. Madison St., Chicago, Illinois 60607.  In addition, we suggest using the app 'spot hero' for affordable Chicago parking.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?


The Confidence Bar ph 312-624-9971


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